Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board,Hamirpur
Advertisement No. 20/2011 Dated: 17.09.2011
Applications from the eligible candidates are invited on the application format appended as Annexure-“A” in the advertisement as per the scheme conveyed by the Director Elementary Education Government of Himachal Pradesh vide letter No. EDN-H(2)B(2) 3/2011-Requisition dated 02.09.2011 for the eligibility for the posts of Trained Graduate Teacher(Arts,Non-medical,Medical),Shastri and Language Teacher. The application forms complete in all respect should reach to the Secretary,Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur HP-177001 on or before 17th October, 2011 and for the candidates residing in district Lahaul and Spiti, District Kinnaur, Pangi and Bharmour Sub Division of Chamba District and Dodra Kwar Sub-Division of Shimla District on or before 31st October, 2011.The application forms received after these dates will be rejected and the Board will not be responsible for any delay in receipt of application forms.
Proposed Schedule fot the Examination of Teacher Eligibility Tests-
T.G.T. (Arts) 27-11-2011 Morning
2. T.G.T. (Medical) 27-11-2011 Evening
3. T.G.T. (Non Medical) 27-11-2011 Evening
4. Language Teacher 4-12-2011 Morning
5. Shastri 4-12-2011 Evening
Instructions-The candidates are advised to read carefully the following instructions before filling in the application format.The candidate should attach self-attested photocopy of following certificate/degree etc. i. Education qualification such as BA, B.Sc, B.Com, Shastri, Prabhakar, Post Graduation, B.El.Ed etc. indicating detail marks.Professional qualification such as B.Ed., B.Ed. as per NCTE (Recognition norms and
Procedure), LT etc.Other Backward Classes, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, EX-Serviceman, Ward of Ex Serviceman,Ward of Freedom Fighter, Physically Handicapped, Visually Handicapped, BPL/IRDP etc. Page 5 of 5.Recent passport size photograph of the candidate affixed in relevant column of the application
format and admit card. Married daughters/grand daughters are not covered under ward of freedom fighters and ward of ex-serviceman category.Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes and Ward of Freedom Fighters certificates should have been issued on parental basis.The validity of OBC certificate is two years from the date of its issuance, the candidates are required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/her claim.In case an applicant intends to appear in TET for more than one teaching category/subject
he/she shall have to apply on separate application forms for each category The candidate must fulfill the requirement of passing the academic as well as professional qualification on or before the submission of application form. However candidates appearing in the final professional examination can also apply but they shall have to fulfill minimum eligibility condition on the date of TET examination failing which they will not be allowed to take the test/examination. Such candidates are required to produce the proof of having passed this
examination to the centre superintendent on the date of the TET examination. The applications received without these documents & examination fee etc. and incomplete in any respect including unsigned one shall not be entertained and rejected out rightly. The application format and admit card is appended as Annexure-‘A’ with this advertisement and candidates are advised to apply on this format only on A-4 size paper. Candidates can download this format from the webpage http//himachal.nic.in/hpsssb. Applications received in any other format except the Annexure-‘A’ will be rejected outrightly.For detail click here-http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/PDF/AdvTet2011.pdf
For application form click here-http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/PDF/App_FormTET2011.pdf
Examination schedule of TET-http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/tet_exam.pdf
Applications from the eligible candidates are invited on the application format appended as Annexure-“A” in the advertisement as per the scheme conveyed by the Director Elementary Education Government of Himachal Pradesh vide letter No. EDN-H(2)B(2) 3/2011-Requisition dated 02.09.2011 for the eligibility for the posts of Trained Graduate Teacher(Arts,Non-medical,Medical),Shastri and Language Teacher. The application forms complete in all respect should reach to the Secretary,Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur HP-177001 on or before 17th October, 2011 and for the candidates residing in district Lahaul and Spiti, District Kinnaur, Pangi and Bharmour Sub Division of Chamba District and Dodra Kwar Sub-Division of Shimla District on or before 31st October, 2011.The application forms received after these dates will be rejected and the Board will not be responsible for any delay in receipt of application forms.
Proposed Schedule fot the Examination of Teacher Eligibility Tests-
T.G.T. (Arts) 27-11-2011 Morning
2. T.G.T. (Medical) 27-11-2011 Evening
3. T.G.T. (Non Medical) 27-11-2011 Evening
4. Language Teacher 4-12-2011 Morning
5. Shastri 4-12-2011 Evening
Instructions-The candidates are advised to read carefully the following instructions before filling in the application format.The candidate should attach self-attested photocopy of following certificate/degree etc. i. Education qualification such as BA, B.Sc, B.Com, Shastri, Prabhakar, Post Graduation, B.El.Ed etc. indicating detail marks.Professional qualification such as B.Ed., B.Ed. as per NCTE (Recognition norms and
Procedure), LT etc.Other Backward Classes, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, EX-Serviceman, Ward of Ex Serviceman,Ward of Freedom Fighter, Physically Handicapped, Visually Handicapped, BPL/IRDP etc. Page 5 of 5.Recent passport size photograph of the candidate affixed in relevant column of the application
format and admit card. Married daughters/grand daughters are not covered under ward of freedom fighters and ward of ex-serviceman category.Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes and Ward of Freedom Fighters certificates should have been issued on parental basis.The validity of OBC certificate is two years from the date of its issuance, the candidates are required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/her claim.In case an applicant intends to appear in TET for more than one teaching category/subject
he/she shall have to apply on separate application forms for each category The candidate must fulfill the requirement of passing the academic as well as professional qualification on or before the submission of application form. However candidates appearing in the final professional examination can also apply but they shall have to fulfill minimum eligibility condition on the date of TET examination failing which they will not be allowed to take the test/examination. Such candidates are required to produce the proof of having passed this
examination to the centre superintendent on the date of the TET examination. The applications received without these documents & examination fee etc. and incomplete in any respect including unsigned one shall not be entertained and rejected out rightly. The application format and admit card is appended as Annexure-‘A’ with this advertisement and candidates are advised to apply on this format only on A-4 size paper. Candidates can download this format from the webpage http//himachal.nic.in/hpsssb. Applications received in any other format except the Annexure-‘A’ will be rejected outrightly.For detail click here-http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/PDF/AdvTet2011.pdf
For application form click here-http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/PDF/App_FormTET2011.pdf
Examination schedule of TET-http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/tet_exam.pdf
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